
Friday, October 28, 2022

Hi I have low mental health and am very unemployed

 I'm not sure how much longer I'll live so if I suddenly stop replying to messages from everyone it is possible I may have died.

...Alternatively, it is possible that I simply didn't see the message. Let's hope I don't get prematurely labeled dead as a result of forgetting to check messages. That would be, well, a bit embarrassing.

I'm generally least likely to forget to check messages on Instagram, Discord, and Gmail these days. Also even though I am basically running out of will to live this is not a suicide note (I really, really hate being dead).

Bye take care!

And don't forget: psychologists/therapists these days are not very trustworthy! There's a ton of well-respected scientists out there who are publishing psych papers containing easily detectable fallacies. Here's one.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Throwback: low effort zonatus macros


Unfortunately I can no longer find any of the specimens I released. I hope they didn't die.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Stop dying on meeeeeee Asterella


Your soil's no longer sopping wet! Why haven't you started growing alreadyyyyy?

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Xanthoria parietina die of drunkenness

Hi last night I noticed my current batch went moldy. And I'm reasonably sure it is actual mold and not xan hyphae, because it smelled like actual mold and some of the threads had little mold-shaped fruiting orb things coming out of them (I don't believe Xanthoria is capable of growing orbs like that).

Maybe I should study some weather forecasts more thoroughly to get an understanding of how they're able to live in places with frequent precipitation. It probably has something to do with evaporation but, then again, excessively frequent dehydration cycles compromise their photosynthetic effectiveness. Problematic!

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Xanthoria parietina finally get drunk

The weather has cooled (hopefully into a temp range that allows X. parietina to gain more calories than it loses while photosynthesizing; there doesn't seem to be much research on the subject) and I have, at long last, rehydrated the yellow things!

Also, I retract my statements about the iridescent gametophyte using condensation to iridesce (though it does seem to require water to do so nevertheless). I also noticed it becoming non-iridescent in sufficiently bright light; I had previously believed it became more (not less) iridescent when well-illuminated.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Oh neat, just resighted some of the L. zonatus I released

Isn't it cool when you see some bugs in the wild and then find the exact same individuals still there several days later?

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Released my L. zonatus today

Finally found a tree with enough fruits to feed them for the rest of their lives! Good riddance.

By the way, make sure to always keep coreids in groups. Research papers note L. zonatus and numerous other Coreidae dying prematurely after being put in solitary confinement; the reason for this probably has something to do with collective salivation (according to a research book on I am too depressed to hunt down the link for). I assume that, if true, it works on this logic:

1. Single specimens cannot produce enough saliva to engage in proper extraoral digestion.

2. More individuals = more saliva = efficienter digestion.

3. If the host plant produces defensive chemicals, a sufficiently large cluster of individuals can neutralize the chems through sheer numbers.

I have occasionally observed my zonatus appearing to steal conspecifics' injected saliva, suggesting that when living conditions are suboptimal they may kleptoparasitize each other instead of salivating cooperatively. It's a shame I can't afford the expensive tools needed to actually investigate this in any detail.

Also I should probably tell you that the nymphs (and probably also adults) vibrate inaudibly now and then. Not sure what function it serves, but they tend to do it when another individual is about to walk into them. It's tempting to conclude that it's some sort of "respect my personal space" signal, but they do not vibrate consistently when walked into (and the recipients of the signal don't seem to react to it, except possibly by freezing) so I'll refrain from drawing conclusions.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Starwort update


Hi yes I rehydrated my A. californica a few days ago. Not much else to say about it, waiting for plants to grow is hella boring.