
Sunday, August 27, 2023

Ugh it eats so much

 I'm already running out of its preferred microbes again. I put it back in the unsterilized substrate vial and euthanized the four or so nestfuls of eggs it made in the microwaved substrate cup (don't want its descendants to be miserable). Each nest contained approx. 3-6 eggs, and I think it's pretty safe to say that laying eggs in small batches is normal for the species.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

I seem to be getting the hang of things

 The fish food didn't fully cure its stress behaviors but apparently reinoculating the dirt/wood it was dissatisfied with with dirt it liked did (I squashed the inoculant very carefully to destroy microanimal eggs hiding in there).

Several yogurt-shaped bacterial(?) colonies that took me weeks to grow were eaten in a day or two.

Also excessive humidity seems to make it panic and stop burrowing, so I've been keeping things more lightly damp. It seemed to have made some more egg nests two days ago.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Golly gee it sure likes fish food

 Ate near-continuously for more than 12 hr, in fact I had to confiscate the pellet to prevent mold (after I put a new pellet in it resumed eating).

(I wonder if in the wild it's specialized for grazing extra-proteinaceous bacterial biofilms. I wouldn't expect a pillbug or Oxidus to act so restless when given high-quality wood without fish food).

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Is it just me or is this thing an epicure?

Gave it piece of wood from park tree (well rotted dark crumbly, and with preexisting millipedes, which I of course removed before taking the chunk home and microwaving it). It seems to like eating the wood but still seems discontent. I'm getting frustrated, might release it back into the Arboretum if it proves annoying enough.