Brown Male sure enjoys its sunbaths |
- The green discoloration previously mentioned on red mystery Herpothallon appears to be yellow now; whether this is caused by improper misting, sunburn, or conditions outside my control is unclear. Red regions also appear to be fading in color. A Candelaria(?) thallus also appears to be yellowing for the wrong reasons; during an unexpected artificial-shade failure it presumably became sunburned too (and since it was acetone rinsed its natural bright yellow sunscreen was washed off, so presumably the new yellow is from moribund algae). The blackish jelly lichen displays no apparent ill health though, even though such things are supposed to throw violent tantrums during air pollution. In any case, since all red mystery thalli survived for a suspiciously long period of time under extreme hydration frequency before showing signs of thallus damage, and since some reds still appear healthy, I suspect that the experiment is not a failure yet. Some of the mosses on the largest red's wood block are still green and seemingly fine.
- After several embarrassing incidents the brown Scudderia mexicana male has lost its semi-tameness but fortunately I compensated it with some extra desserts. I have continued failing miserably at filming courtship behavior due to a lack of receptive females, and will not be watching the male regularly any longer.
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